Simples mortales


Simples mortales

que se despiertan y emprenden camino,

que alaban a santos y deidades

Y creen en coincidencias y en el destino.


Almas curiosas

que deambulan por la vida

Y esperan la noche ansiosa,

despidiento el sol a su caida.


Seres terrenales

que aman la libertad del viento

que los lleva a conocer lugares astrales

y se sienta con ellos a contarles un cuento:


“Habia una vez una niña aventurera

que coleccionaba estrellas fugaces

Y en las noches las sacaba afuera

y les ponia nombres  y uno que otros disfraces.


Mientras la niña iba creciendo

fue conociendo otros mundos.

Siempre observando y sobretodo riendo

porque lo bueno solo dura segundos.


Al cabo del tiempo la niña aprendio TODO

A volar, ser luz en la oscuridad y un poco de magia

Pero debia volver al mundo real de algun modo

y esparcir esto entre la gente, cual virus que contagia.


La niña emocionada invitaba a sus amigos

A conocer las maravillas de su momento secreto

y que aprendieran igual y fueran testigos

de lo que era para ella el mundo perfecto.


Pero sus amigos solo veian la noche

Ignoraban el impetu del viento y las estrellas

decepcionada apuntaba al cielo con reproche,

pero la cotidianidad habia dejado en ellos huella.


Fue asi como descubrio la oscuridad y los vacios

el dolor e incertidumbe cosechado desde tiempo ancestral

Y entre tanto apatia y corazones frios

Se dio cuenta que era mas, que una simple mortal”.


By Maria Isabel Peña



Miradas que te dicen hola,

y te invitan a tomar café

que te acompañan cuando estas sola

y te abrazan al atardecer.


Misteriosas cual amapola,

que perfuman todo tu ser

sembrando semillas en cada zona

con sus pétalos delicados, peligrosos a la vez.


Miradas que guardan secretos

Y te desnudan completa el alma

dibujando tus puntos debiles en boceto

de esas que penetran y te desarman.


Sin aviso alguno te retan a duelo,

hipnotizandote seductoramente y con calma.

y te elevan a lo alto cual paloma en vuelo,

Libre e imponente que con el viento danza.


Miradas que te invitan sin decir palabras,

y se sientan a conversar con tu silencio

que poco a poco construyen morada,

hasta anidar a la izquierda de nuestro pecho.


Y asi me levanto cada mañana

cruzando los dedos mientras me arreglo

rezando que un dia mis ojos y tu mirada

se encuentren en el camino y se detenga el tiempo.


By Maria Isabel Peña.


Que la muerte nos encuentre viviendo!


Que la muerte nos encuentre viviendo
Y toque a nuestra puerta con curiosidad
sorprendida por la algarabía y estruendo
preguntando de donde viene tanta felicidad.

Y nos sentemos juntas a tomar café
charlando de la vida y los amores
nuestros momentos de flaqueza y destellos de fe
lo que exalta el latido de nuestros corazones.

Ella se ríe de tantas ocurrencias,
no esta acostumbrada a presenciar plenitud,
sin pretenciones, vanidad, ni pertenencias,
tampoco egos que no caben en un ataúd.

Me cuenta sus hazañas con un poco de vergüenza
pues siempre le toca la peor parte
llevarse al que apenas la vida comienza
o al que hoy se levanta y se declara triunfante.

Ella también es frágil y tiene inseguridades,
por mas dura y cruel que te pueda parecer
de vez en cuando concede oportunidades,          cambiando nuestro destino sin un dedo mover.

Por eso no tengas miedo cuando la veas,
a veces sale a dar un paseo y pequeñas visitas
por si en el afán de los días, te olvidas de ella,
para que cambies tus penas y lagrimas por sonrisas.

Que la muerte nos encuentre viviendo,
cuando nos vea tan feliz a lo mejor se arrepienta
y se siente a compartir y vernos riendo,
Y al final se despida y se vaya por su cuenta.


By  Maria I. Peña Saldaña



En el ocaso de tu sonrisa

alla donde mueren tus emociones,

se posa tu mirada sobre la mia

Y damos rienda suelta a nuestras pasiones.


Las ciguas entonan con alegria

dejando a su paso un camino de flores

que adorna la lluvia y su melodia

deleitando a curiosos y espectadores.


La calidez y aroma de tu presencia

se sienta a acompañarme en el dia,

Y al partir permanece tu esencia

que no evita el silencio y las noches frias.


Prometeme encontrarnos en la eternidad

por ahora solo tengo tu fotografia

manteniendo viva tu carisma y bondad

hasta comenzar de nuevo nuestra travesia.


By Maria Peña.




Que pasa con los besos

que emigran de tu boca

Y los separa el limite estrecho

de tus labios cuando rozan.


Un suspiro que escapa entre dientes

sale a encontrarse con mi piel.

Mi ser se eriza solo de verte

como abeja orgullosa de su panal de miel.


Deleitas a curiosos con tu perfume,

que quieren conocer mas de ti,

al ser testigos de tu esencia que fluye

cual herida vestida de rojo carmin.


Que fortuna, ser destino de tus caricias

explorando mis terrenos desconocidos,

Y visito las maravillas, como Alicia

disfrutando entre pasiones y gemidos.


Que pasa con esa mirada,

que le gusta perderse entre la gente

Y de repente estas tan callada,

viajando en el tiempo, un tanto sonriente.


Aterrizas de nuevo a la realidad

vistiendo esa sonrisa rosa coqueta,

me tomas la mano, con humildad

y vamos de turistas a tierras inciertas.


By Maria Isabel Pena.


Lo que soy.

Desearia que amaras mi individualidad

mi deseo de ser yo misma,

En un mundo que juzga la originalidad

donde importa la belleza y no el carisma.


Poder vestir lo que quiero

tatuajes ni piercings cambiaran mi identidad,

Que apruebes lo que soy, es mi anhelo

vivir como yo, no afecta mi dignidad.


Deten un momento las criticas,

de eso se encarga la sociedad

Respeta mis pensamientos, por algo se inicia

Y entenderas lo que defiendo con claridad.


No busco agradar a todo el mundo

solo vivir mas fiel a mi realidad.

Descubrir en la vida mi proposito y rumbo,

no negociar por nada ni nadie mi felicidad.


Apoya mis aventuras y locuras,

Y tus reproches y discrepancias puedes guardar,

esta vida hay que vivirla, solo hay una,

los prejuicios y la negatividad, dejalos pasar.


Que al final del dia importen  mis acciones,

Nuestra esencia es lo unico que queda.

Gritar alegría desde nustros balcones

y secar nuestras lagrimas en pañuelos de seda.


Quisiera que defiendas mis pasos

por mas temerosos y tortuosos que sean,

Sostén siempre mi cabeza en alto,

cuando la derrota me tiente, y seguir adelante no quiera.


Y entonces vencer mi inseguridad

dejar una semilla a donde voy,

Ser libre y sonreir a la adversidad,

no doblegar ni avergonzarme

de lo que soy.



Por María Isabel Peña.

Counting to ten..


One day at a time

Two strangers know eachother

and even though the miles,

they find a way however.


Three hour difference,

busy schedule, running late.

Four pm, day off, makes it easier

when the world plays against our fate.


Five times i’ve give in

to the mysteries you still hold,

but the fear put me back on feet

reminding me love is magic but also tough.


Six degrees of separation

proving somehow we have a bond

No flings, nor infatuation,

guarding our feeling, keeping ’em shut.


Seven capital sins,

Run away from what poisons the soul,

Kiss my heart, embrace my skin

Make love to my flaws and i’m done.


Eight hour talk on the phone,

God acts in mysterious ways,

many the miles, still feels close

sending you thoughts through the sea waves.


Nine songs we like in common,

I write one as we’re counting to ten

and the days go by as we laugh and summon,

waiting to put this fantasy to an end.



By Maria Peña Saldaña.🌷


Pai, Mãe…


Pai, mãe.. A mulher que olham agora
Não e uma menina,
sou ambiciosa, ingenua e sonhadora
que vai atrás dos seus sonhos sentindo a adrenalina.

Lutando contra minhas inseguridades.
descobrindo quem são meus verdadeiros amigos.
A vida não é fácil, é a verdade,
mas é pior convivir perto do perigo .

Pai, Mãe.. Sua filha já não é aquela garotinha inocente,
O dor e as experiências mudaram meu coração.
Mas ele ainda fica sensible ,latente
e guia o meu caminho quando perdo a razão.

O medo torna- se mais grande com os anos,
e eu prefiro não mostrar quem sou verdadeiramente.
Eu gosto dos homens e as mulheres, é um fato.
Não posso esconder o que sente a alma felizmente.

Não espero que gostem do que sou ou faço.
com seu respeito basta totalmente.
Não preciso das suas palavras, solo um abraço
porque hoje os preconceitos destroem a gente.

Pai, Mãe..

Essa sou eu: livre e calada.
sincera, insatisfeita,
divertida, para alguém chata.
Tímida, paciente, imperfeita.


Autora: Maria Isabel Peña Saldaña•~

Not one less


It’s an amazing experience to have finished something I’ve been working on for so long; after 8 years of hard work I’m finally graduating. If there’s any feeling in the world close to that, is walking away with your head and dignity held high from a place where you were appreciated as nothing else than an object.

You would think that these kinds of situations are subjected to a specific group of women that are selectively chosen, but in reality every woman has experienced sexual harassment, at least 5 times.. and counting.

I personally went from being a listener to play the main character of my own tale. I am no stranger to harassment though, I’ve lived it enough for a woman my age, to even think twice before going out. Harassment overall is horrible and frustrating but the kind I experienced throughout a whole year was completely different.

I don’t know how normal, cool or nice men think this kind of behavior is, or if they actually realize how uncomfortable it makes us but one thing is sure, it’s highly unpleasant to feel like bait among a group of wolves.

In my case, it began as a likable gesture of trying to help me with work, making things easier for me or something as random as a nice compliment. Never would I ever imagine this would unleash into a beast so consuming. The danger of this kind of harassment (not always) is, the aggressor acts subtlety and starts building some kind of relation with you. Your co-worker, boss, teacher or just someone at a superior or higher position, someone you see and share with every day, almost inevitable to prevent.

Somewhere in between the “apparent kindness”, I can’t explain what changes; I’ve even questioned myself just in case  I was giving the wrong signals by been too disposed, but nothing you can ever imagine excuses your aggressor;  we have to stop feeling guilt or victim shaming people for what they go through.

I’ve finally started to feel comfortable enough to merge with the rest. So, one day he approaches with a proposal, to go to the movies, have dinner together, or drive me home later, etc… You know, maybe he’s just nice, I thought to myself. He takes advantage of every opportunity there’s no one around, he asks if i drink alcohol, who do i live with, if I have a boyfriend, he even suggests me to save his number in case I’m “interested” or need help; I’ve been around enough to know he is married/ has a girlfriend, however that clearly doesn’t stop him from his intentions. I politely declined with an anxious smile, I don’t want this to go any further,  I’m  the new intern, afraid of raising my voice too much, i don’t want to make an scandal, get in trouble or being perceived as a “bitch”…

Maybe i should’ve been a bitch.

Nevertheless he doesn’t take a NO for an answer, his only excuse is that he really likes me, his relationship status is not an obstacle when we can both have fun, I recall him saying.

When i least expect it my nightmare is completed. While I’m busy doing my work during one of my shifts he approaches from behind, grabs my waist as he whispers other assignments I have to do later. I keep doing my work robotically trying to ignore what just happened. Am I being paranoid, Where do I run?

Over the days he doesn’t realize I’ve taken distance, and neither cares. He does not waste a moment to get close, make a comment about my appearance, touch or rub me in a subtlety inappropriate way.

He needed my attention, so the innuendos began; blatantly letting them out even with other people around, his colleagues, they find it funny, they’re from the same herd. But I’m not laughing. So that assures me his power and hypocrisy, his behavior is supported, he doesn’t care about consequences because he’s feels entitled or maybe there aren’t any.

Why didn’t I speak out, raised my voice, and put these men in their places? Where do you denounce this kind of behavior? How am I sure it won’t affect my grades, get me in trouble or make any other woman in the same situation lose their job? Is there a law that protects us, is it effective enough? How do I prove he touched me inappropriately or he said something indecent? Is his word against mine, isn’t it?

My only relief was that this was temporary. I’ve been rotating through several hospitals for a whole year, I’m a medicine student. You would be surprised of how frequent this practice is in the environment I work. You’d think they’re poorly educated, and you’re right, but they are also professionals, doctors in my case, engineers, lawyers, CEO of companies, men in positions of power, or maybe just as random as the guy you walked by on the street or the one behind you in a crowded bus, rubbing his genitals against you.

I believe I’m strong enough ‘cause I managed to survive a year where I learned so much through both positive and negative experiences. There’s a slight feeling of success in being able to walk out of each one of those hospitals knowing I was faithful to myself and my principles, but is still bitter, because the wolves go on and on, until a prey steps into their nest.

If there’s something in the world that can top this success, would be the day I, us women in general, can finally walk out of home without been afraid of what the predators await outside.

I am lucky because my experiences are not even close to the hell many other women around the world live through, but maybe alarming enough in a country that registers more than a hundred feminicides every year.



Luz del Alba


Resplandor que ilumina mis mañanas

destello que me guía en los senderos

calorcito que me quema las entrañas,

y poco a poco se convierte en mi lucero.


Luz que da color a la vida,

habitando en las caras al decir “Te quiero”,

Alba que da bienvenida a cada día

testimonio y esperanza de cualquier alfarero.


Antesala y repertorio de maravillas

deleite a los ojos de quien la mira

pone fin a la oscuridad, todo brilla

sencilla pero sublime, poemas inspira.


Un gran privilegio ser su testigo

milagro resplandeciente que las nuves baña

anímate a admirarla, sol@ o conmigo,

Que placer conocerte, Luz del Alba.


by Maria I. Peña 😉


Para mi querida…

Screenshot_2016-03-08-23-11-36Luz del Alba King… :))